Previsualisation can be devided to five different areas. 
Pitchvis, Previs, Techvis, On-set previs and Postvis.
Pitcvis can be used even before the production has got funding and the idea, scene or mood is wanted to visualize to support finding funding.

Its also useful to pitch complex commecrial treatment for client.

Mikä esimerkiksi? - taakka? - nosto commecrial

Previs the main stages when we convert text from the script to concrete movements and sizes. The possibilites are endless from testing single static framings to make previs for the whole film. 

It is the "sandbox" where all departments can experiment together and visualise the film before the shooting. Focus production resource where its seen. 

Example links projects - ARGA - Räkä ja roiskis
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After previs the pysical dimensions, camera movemets, lenses, chroma size can be shared with tecvis images.

These informatios are enormously helpful for crew to determind needed equitment and crew to achive the vision.

- terveystalo tallinna?
With livekey and 3D previs on set helps to see the surroundings which are added later on chroma.
Camera is tracked and chroma is keyed in realtime. The background can be changed on the fly and place as wanted.

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Previs helps through the whole production all to way to postproduction. Elements from previs can be used as postvis in the editing stages and compain with shot material. Postvis makes possible to edit VFX havy scenes and is fast way to get understanding what is needed before final VFX work.

REDI MAINOS - kysy on set record materiaali bobolta
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